B2C Practice Area Meet-Up

2021-02-01T16:51:14-07:00January 17th, 2021||

  B2C practice area meet-up for LawBank members to discuss opportunities to encourage work with individuals and families in many practice areas. Co-Hosted by Kevin Cheney Click Here to Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 986 7644 6481 Passcode: 582412

The Changing Revenue Model for Law Firm Real Estate

2020-04-07T21:43:26-06:00March 18th, 2020|Law Firm Real Estate Solutions|

How your firm can make the most of evolving law firm real estate As real estate costs have increased in many markets, law firm real estate has evolved to better meet the needs of large and small law firms. If you run an established law firm, you likely have existing office space that no longer [...]

The innovative small law firm

2018-07-31T13:15:00-06:00February 22nd, 2017|Independent Law Practice, Small Law Firm|

The modern legal industry is perfect for an innovative small law firm Boutique law firms can pursue industry trends more easily than their larger counterparts, and modern legal clients appreciate an innovative small law firm. A small law firm's structure means its partners don't have to fight a firmly entrenched system that inhibits change. Thus, [...]

The modern law office

2019-08-19T15:04:45-06:00June 7th, 2016|Coworking for Lawyers, Independent Law Practice|

Technology allows lawyers to be nimble Prior to the Internet era, a new lawyer had to put considerable thought into the office arrangements that he or she chose. After all, most clients would come to the lawyer's office for a consultation or to discuss the details of a case, and the state of an attorney's [...]