The Optimistic Independent Lawyer

2024-04-11T10:35:34-06:00April 11th, 2024|Independent Law Practice, Law Firm Growth, Small Law Firm, Solo Law Practice|

Why you might have a sunnier outlook as an independent lawyer News headlines can lean toward doom and gloom, but recent reports show optimism among small law firms. For the independent lawyer, the news looks especially promising. The State of U.S. Small Law Firms report showed that: " overwhelming 87% of lawyers across small firms [...]

Benefits of Independent Law

2024-03-28T13:37:45-06:00March 28th, 2024|Independent Law Practice, New lawyer, Small Law Firm, Solo Law Practice|

Go big or go small? The benefits of independent law practice Both new and seasoned lawyers wonder if alternatives to big law will pay off in terms of income and personal satisfaction. The benefits of independent law practice might sway you to launch your own law firm after all. These benefits include: Flexible hours As [...]

Lawyer Health, Love and Money

2024-02-29T11:14:48-07:00February 29th, 2024|Independent Law Practice, Small Law Firm|

How independent law practice supports lawyer health and well-being Most of the lawyers we know entered the profession to help people, feel a sense of intellectual stimulation and to earn a comfortable living. However, following a traditional law career path can often negatively impact lawyer health and well-being. Independent law, on the other hand, offers [...]

The Futurist Lawyer

2024-01-31T16:40:26-07:00January 31st, 2024|Independent Law Practice, Law Firm Growth, Small Law Firm|

How you can adopt a futurist lawyer mindset for your small law firm In the age of AI, becoming a futurist lawyer will help you embrace and navigate the intersection between law and technology. What is a futurist lawyer? Futurists spot trends and offer insight across industries, systems and societies. While you might not aspire [...]

Crafting a Law Firm Growth Strategy

2023-11-15T09:23:20-07:00November 15th, 2023|Independent Law Practice, Law Firm Growth, Small Law Firm|

Small law firm growth strategy for impact Have you grown intentionally, or have you bounced along with the current of whichever clients and cases popped up? Regardless of your firm's current stage, creating a thoughtful law firm growth strategy can help you regain control and a sense of deeper satisfaction in your work. Signs that [...]

Building Influence as a Small Law Firm

2023-09-20T10:42:37-06:00September 20th, 2023|Independent Law Practice, Small Law Firm|

Tips for building influence as a small law firm Lawyers often cite name recognition and influence as of the best aspects of working in Big Law. While becoming a small law firm founder might require time to create a reputation, there are steps you can take toward building influence. Begin with mindset and your why [...]

Law Firm Essentials to Add Right Now

2023-06-22T12:16:01-06:00June 22nd, 2023|Independent Law Practice, Law Firm Growth, Small Law Firm|

Do you have these law firm essentials in place? Independent lawyers at the helm of small firms need these law firm essentials more than ever. Running a successful law business means working smarter, and these elements help you do just that: Knowledge and experience We often gloss over this piece as a given. Law school [...]

Lawyer Leadership Skills

2023-05-19T12:00:23-06:00May 18th, 2023|Independent Law Practice, Small Law Firm|

Expanding impact with these key lawyer leadership skills These lawyer leadership skills will help you create a positive firm culture and create more impact in the community as you attract new business. Most lawyers already have a knack for decoding information and guiding clients through sometimes nebulous cases. However, lawyers who operate independent law firms [...]