How a Modern Co-working Space Can Help Lawyers with Logistics and Admin Support

From the LawBank Video Channel: Attorney Frank Schuchat Discusses the Benefits of LawBank’s Co-working Setup, Including logistics and admin Support:

“I like that I come in in the morning and I’m not part of a small space – I’ve got one attorney working with me. You get the feeling of a large, comfortable, spacious office. You have the amenities of that; someone is taking care of the coffee, you have a receptionist up front, which is really helpful to me. I travel a lot in my practice, or a I certainly have since I’ve been at LawBank, so I’ve been able to have resources on the ground here that I don’t have to cover or absorb all the cost of, but still have somebody here to get packages, rely things to me, and keep the information flow going. That’s really helpful. I don’t have to worry about a lot of it. I don’t have to find a phone, get a contract with a phone company, I don’t have to deal with a copier. I had my own practice previously, and been part of a group. You take off some of the administrative load here, and you get a very nice place to work with other people around that makes it collegial.”

See more videos about running a successful solo legal practice at the LawBank YouTube Channel.