Using LinkedIn for small law firms

LinkedIn for small law firmsThere are a number of ways for independent lawyers to build a network. Using LinkedIn for small law firms can be a great way to build business.

A social network can be active without producing much value. Truly valuable networks:

  • Generate new business opportunities
  • Support marketing momentum by continually generating interest from the audience

Using LinkedIn effectively

One of the most effective networks for small law firms is LinkedIn, but it must be used properly to generate results. While many people post actively to LinkedIn, a thoughtful and strategic approach tends to produce better engagement with your audience.

Here are the basics to get the most benefit from LinkedIn:

  • A professional head shot. Your photo should convey professionalism, warmth and personality. Work with a skilled photographer to get just the right shot to fit your personal brand.
  • Craft a strong headline. Your headline should tell potential clients or partners what you can do for them.
  • Tell a story. Your career summary is your best opportunity to persuade your readers that they should either contact you or be glad they met you at in-person networking sessions. Use your summary to tell a story and to answer the questions you wish connections would ask you.
  • Add a list of your most impressive skills and successes. Your profile speaks for you, so let it shine with your best work.
  • Respond to others’ posts. The most successful LinkedIn networkers use the platform to engage with connections. Don’t stop at clicking the “like” button: Add a comment or a thought to spark more conversation.
  • Add your own content. Share articles of interest in your field, and also add any original content you have created. These posts highlight your area of expertise and help potential clients understand what you can do for them.

LinkedIn allows people to get to know you and your work in a deeper way. It can enhance in-person interactions or generate new business relationships. Remember to keep all your LinkedIn posts conversational and relevant.

To learn more about how LawBank can help you to grow your small law firm or independent law practice, please contact us