Legal Industry Trends for 2023 and Beyond

2023-02-09T12:21:05-07:00February 9th, 2023|Independent Law Practice, Small Law Firm|

These legal industry trends will shape how we practice law for years to come Following legal industry trends can help you stay informed about what matters to clients and potential clients. While you don't need to adopt every new trend, you may want to consider how each one will impact your small law firm or [...]

Legal industry trends

2021-08-19T22:15:32-06:00May 11th, 2017|Independent Law Practice, Legal Resources and Articles, Small Law Firm|

Legal industry trends: The rise of the small law firm The legal industry is undergoing a massive shift. Legal industry trends show that, while there are still a handful of large, global firms, medium-sized firms are becoming rarer. The rise of the small law firm Medium-sized firms have large expenses, but don't have the brand name of [...]