Standing out as a solo lawyer

2018-07-31T13:15:16-06:00November 19th, 2014|Legal Marketing, Legal Resources and Articles, Solo Law Practice|

As a solo law practice, you have some advantages over bigger law firms One of the most daunting aspects of launching a small business, such as your solo law practice, is the reality of competing with the larger businesses in your market and field. Those larger businesses – big law firms, in this case – [...]

Practice Management for Solo Lawyers

2020-03-10T10:03:38-06:00June 16th, 2014|Legal Marketing, Legal Resources and Articles, Solo Law Practice|

Standing out from the crowd in your solo practice One of the fundamentals in running any business is understanding how to sell your product to your target client. In law, we talk about hanging a shingle when opening a solo law practice or small firm, but simply posting your name on a building or a [...]