Balancing your business and personal life

2018-07-31T13:15:08-06:00December 9th, 2015|Coworking for Lawyers, Independent Law Practice, Solo Law Practice|

Work-life balance for independent lawyers Whether you are just starting out on your own or you already have a successful independent law practice, work-life balance can be a challenge. It can be difficult to run a successful small business because you are pulled in so many directions. You have to please your clients, keep up with [...]

Best practices in solo law: Work-life balance

2018-07-31T13:15:17-06:00July 31st, 2014|Legal Resources and Articles, Solo Law Practice|

Productivity and Work-life Balance Go Hand-in-hand One of the main reasons solo lawyers cite for wanting to launch their own firms is achieving a greater sense of work-life balance. After long hours – and too many weekends – working at a big law firm to meet billable-hour quotas, the draw of setting one’s own schedule [...]